Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Lots been going on...

It's been a while since I had a chance to post on here. Sorry about that. There has been a lot going on in our lives and finding the time to update my blog has not been a priority. However, since I have fallen behind I will fill you in on happenings over the last few months.

In May not much happened, after finding out my sister is expecting in October and my brother graduating from college we went home to celebrate both occasions on Mother's day weekend. So we got to see a lot of my extended family which was very nice since I had not seen many of them in quite some time. We had our first long holiday weekend home in Lexington just the two of us since we got married. Lots of relaxing that weekend and enjoying each others company.

In the beginning of June we went to Benton to visit Jason's family. We have a new niece on the way (due in September-- Sophie Kate) and we won't see John, Jill and the girls till probably around Thanksgiving. We also got to attend the wedding of a couple of Jason's high school friends Ryan & Megan Sears. It was a beautiful wedding. They are perfect for each other : - ) We also celebrated our 3 year anniversary on June 13th. Hard to believe its been 3 years already...wow how time flies! For our anniversary we went to Cincinnati to the Great American Ballpark to watch the Reds play the Indians. We had lots of fun! I got a home run ball hit by an Indians player during batting practice which made my night : - ) Here are a few pics from that night...

Before the game Jason and I hanging out waiting for the gates to open

Once we got in the park and to our seats...not bad seats (good place to get home run balls)

Me and the batting practice home run ball I got during Indians batting practice

the home run ball I got from batting practice...made my night!!!

Other happenings in June include me studying for my PHR exam again...I didn't pass it in January when I took it (I missed passing by 3 points--which really sucked but motivated me to pass this time). My exam was scheduled for June 23rd at 1pm... I surprisingly wasn't nervous and felt fairly confident in myself and my ability to pass the exam this time. I had been working in HR for almost 6 months now and dealing a lot more with things I would be getting tested on, so having the knowledge base from reading the SHRM modules and the hands on experience gave me confidence. I took the exam on the 23rd and after what seemed like 10 minutes when the test calculation finished and the screen with pass/fail on it popped up I had to do a triple take at the screen... it said PASS!!! HOORAY!!! I passed and was so excited. One because I didn't waste money again by not passing it and two because I don't have to take the test again!!! YAY!!! So now I am doing the waiting game to see what my score was and to get my actual certification in the mail so I can then change my work email signature to Jonie Tucker, PHR and change my business cards to this as well. Funny thing, Jason made the joke to me that it wasn't fair that I get to put 3 letters after my name before he does... lol : - ) His 3 letters after plus the 2 letters he can put before will be worth and mean a lot more than my 3 letters.

So this is what has been going on in the life of the Tucker's for the last few months. I promise to try to post more often than every few months.

HAPPY 4th of JULY!!! 

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