Saturday, July 14, 2012

Jonie Tucker, PHR

It is official...I passed the PHR and I received my score and certificate showing I passed. I was so excited to get this in the mail. I went and got a frame that evening to put it in and took it to work the following Monday (I got it on Friday afternoon) and hung it up in my office. Here is the picture of the certificate and pin I received and then a pic of it hanging up in my office...

Now I have 3 years till recertification...during which time I have to get 60 hours of CEUs to renew my certification or retake the test to renew certification. I also should be able to sit for the SPHR test if I wanted to upgrade my certification by that point. I haven't quite decided which route to go yet.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I will be back soon with some crafty posts...I have a nephew on the way (Baby Fink) and have been working on some items for him that I will share in the future!!